Lux Meter
Curabitur sit amet erat quis risus feugiat viverra. Pellentesque augue justo, sagittis et, lacinia at, venenatis non, arcu. Nunc nec libero. In cursus dictum risus. Etiam tristique nisl.
Monostable Multivibrator
Scientech DB28 Monostable Multivibrator is a compact, ready to use experiment board for Monostable Multivibrator. This board is useful for students to study and understand the operation of 74121 NonRetriggerable Monoshot and 74123 Retriggerable Monoshot Multivibrator and verify its truth table.
Model: Scientech DB28
Multiplexer – Demultiplexer
Scientech DB10 Multiplexer-Demultiplexer is a compact, ready to use experiment board for Multiplexer and Demultiplexer. This board is useful for students to study and understand the operation of 4 to 1 Line Multiplexer and 1 to 4 Line Demultiplexer circuits and verify their truth tables.
Model: Scientech DB10
Parity Generator Checker
Scientech DB33 Parity Generator Checker is a compact, ready to use experiment board for Parity Generator Checker. This board is useful for students to study and understand the operation of even and odd parity generator checker and used to compare two 4 bit numbers and verify its truth table.
Model: Scientech DB33
PN Sequence Generator
Scientech DB20 PN Sequence Generator is a compact, ready to use experiment board for PN Sequence Generator. This board is useful for students to study and understand the operation of PN sequence generator for various feedback configurations in a linear feedback shift register topology and verify its truth table.
Model: Scientech DB20