Pulser Switch


Showing 55–60 of 60 results

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  • Pulser SwitchPulser Switch
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    Pulser Switch

    Scientech DB38 Pulser Switch is a compact, ready to use experiment board for Pulser Switch. This board is useful for students to study and understand the operation of Pulser Switch and verify its truth table. It can be used as Pulse generator/ Debounce switch/ source of Clock transitions (Low to High/ High to Low) for sequential logic circuits like Flip-Flops, Counters, Shift Registers etc.


    Model: Scientech DB38 

  • Shift RegisterShift Register
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    Shift Register

    Scientech DB12 Shift Register is a compact, ready to use experiment board for Serial in – Parallel out Shift Register. This board is useful for students to study and understand the operation of 4 Bit Serial in – Parallel out Shift Register and verify its truth table.


    Model: Scientech DB12

  • sound-levelmeter
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    3.00 out of 5

    Sound Level Meter

    nteger pharetra magna ac lacus. Aliquam vitae sapien in nibh vehicula auctor. Suspendisse leo mauris, pulvinar sed, tempor et, consequat ac, lacus. Proin velit. Nam no fierent intellegat, regione expetenda ius ex, audire antiopam at nam. Appetere inciderint ne mea, omnis omnesque philosophia ius ei. Eripuit honestatis te sed, vis te nonumy quaeque luptatum.

  • Transfer Characteristics (TTL and CMOS Inverters)Transfer Characteristics (TTL and CMOS Inverters)
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    Transfer Characteristics (TTL and CMOS Inverters)

    Scientech DB27 Transfer Characteristics (TTL and CMOS Inverters) is a compact, ready to use experiment board for transfer characteristics (TTL and CMOS Inverters). This board is useful for students to study and understand the transfer characteristics of TTL, CMOS, Schmitt trigger inverters and gate delay estimation of TTL & CMOS inverters and verify its truth table.


    Model: Scientech DB27

  • Universal Gates (NAND / NOR)Universal Gates (NAND / NOR)
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    Universal Gates (NAND / NOR)

    Scientech DB02 Universal Gates (NAND / NOR) is a compact, ready to use experiment board for AND, OR, NOT, gates using NAND / NOR gates. This board is useful for students to study and understand the implementation and operation of various Logic Gates (AND, OR, NOT) and to verify their truth tables and compare them.


    Model: Scientech DB02 

  • ZIF SocketZIF Socket
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    ZIF Socket

    Scientech DB26 ZIF Socket is a compact, ready to use experiment board. ZIF socket is zero insertion force socket. This board is useful for students for inserting ICs in place of breadboards. ZIF socket consists of 40 pins with 2mm output socket for each pin 8, 14,16,20,40 pin ICs can be inserted without force. Supply Inputs can be connected to the ZIF socket through 2mm patch cord easily and similarly outputs can be taken.


    Model: Scientech DB26
