Showing 100–108 of 240 results
Electro-encephalograph Simulator
Scientech TechBooks are compact and user friendly learning platforms to provide a modern, portable, comprehensive and practical way to learn Technology. Each TechBook is provided with detailed Multimedia learning material which covers basic theory, step by step procedure to conduct the experiment and other useful information. EEG activity is due to charge movement in neuronal membranes. It is attractive to think of EEG activity as originating in defined nuclei, but in general the electrical potential represent the summed electrical activity from a substantial number of neurons.
Model: Scientech 2355
Emona ETT-101 Biskit
- DSSS Spread Spectrum
- Signal Constellations
- Software Defined Radio Sampling Principles
- Eye Diagrams and ISI
- Line Codes and Bit Clock Regeneration
- SNR in Noisy Channel
- Delta and Sigma-Delta
- Fiber Optics
- FO Coupling and WDM
Model: 101 Biskit
Scientech DB09 Encoder-Decoder is a compact, ready to use experiment board for Encoder and Decoder. This board is useful for students to study and understand the operation of 8 to 3 Line Encoder and 3 to 8 Line Decoder circuits and verify their truth tables.
Model: Scientech DB09
Energy meter
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Event Counter
Scientech DB17 Event Counter is a compact, ready to use experiment board for counting number of events (pulses) occurred during specific interval. This board is useful for students to study and understand the operation of 3 digit event counter and one minute timer which is used to count up to 999 displayed on 7 segment LED display.
Model: Scientech DB17